@misc{21, keywords = {Plasma Physics}, author = {S. Guinchard and W. Sengupta and S. Hudson}, title = {Application of Lagrangian techniques for calculating the on-axis rotational transform*}, abstract = {
The Floquet exponents of periodic field lines are studied through the variations of the magnetic action on the magnetic axis, which is assumed to be elliptical. The near-axis formalism developed by Mercier, Solov{\textquoteright}ev and Shafranov is combined with a Lagrangian approach. The on-axis Floquet exponent is shown to coincide with the on-axis rotational transform, and this is a coordinate-independent result. A discrete solution suitable for numerical implementation is introduced, which gives the Floquet exponents as solutions to an eigenvalue problem. This discrete formalism expresses the exponents as the eigenvalues of a 6{\texttimes}6 matrix.
}, year = {2024}, url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2404.17531}, doi = {10.48550/arXiv.2404.17531}, }